Welcome, 2021 Camp Ballibay Staff!

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We are so excited to welcome both new and returning counselors for our 2021 season at Ballibay. The staff who join us every summer are passionate educators and gifted artists who are excited to both learn from and guide Ballibay campers. We’ve cultivated an exceptional team of professional artists, undergraduate, and graduate students who look forward to sharing their unique skills and experiences with every child this summer. I reached out to a few of our amazing staff members this summer to share about what they’ve been working on this year and what they are most looking forward to this summer!

We are highlighting a few of our staff members here, but make sure to head to our Staff Directory on the camp website to learn more about all Camp Ballibay’s 2021 Staff! 

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Name: Annie Yamamoto
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Location: Chicago, IL
Department: Theater
Position: General theater counselor

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
Though I haven’t been performing nearly as much as I would like to (thanks, Covid), I have been using this time to work on my vocal technique and building my classical repertoire with my voice teacher. Since I do not have the usual added pressure of constantly preparing new material for concerts/showcases/recitals/etc, I have really been able to focus on things that I usually don’t get to spend much time on! I also have been rehearsing with a singing group that I am a part of called The Knights on Broadway. We have been preparing our first Covid friendly, masked, and socially distanced performance! Our show’s theme is focused on overcoming adversity, the importance of kindness, and mental illness. These are very important topics, especially in today’s world, and I am very excited to perform again!

What are you most excited about as a first-year staff member?
I am so excited about being around such talented, motivated, and friendly people! Ballibay has always been my home away from home and I am so excited to go back this time as a member of the staff rather than as a camper.

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Name: Andrew Morrison
Pronouns:  He/Him/His
Location: Westchester County, NY
Department: Admin/Rock
Position: Head of Rock and Down the Hill Division Head

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
2020: the year of recording!
A collaboration album with Astoria based “Astrogun”.
Untitled solo album.

What are you most looking forward to as a returning staff member?
Honest answer? Thunderstorms at Ballibay hit differently. Something about them makes me very happy. I am especially looking forward to having an offline community.

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Name: Abbie Garrison
Pronouns: she/her
Location: Lorain, OH
Department: Technical Theater
Position: Stage Manager 

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
This past year I have been working closely with Sparks Theatre 4 Youth. Typically we take our shows on the road and perform during school assemblies, but with COVID guidelines we have to change it up. So instead of traveling, we filmed our shows and sent them out to different schools. In my free time I’ve been doing a lot of water coloring and sewing! 

What are you most looking forward to as a returning staff member?
After a year of isolation, I’m super excited to create alongside the campers and counselors.

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Name: Jack Thornley
Pronouns: they/them
Location: York, PA
Department: Film & Media
Position: Film Counselor 

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
So far this year, I’ve worked freelance and volunteered on many independent projects. Recently, my editing team just finished post-production on a play our university virtually performed, and I’ve also helped other students animate or edit their own finals and personal videos. In my free time, I develop and write scripts for a potential TV series with my partner.

What are you most excited about as a first-year staff member?
After a year of quarantining and isolation, what sounds better than a summer filled with fresh air surrounded by fellow artists? I’m most excited about the overall experience to be had at Camp Ballibay, and to see all the unique and individual art everyone will create! Working in Film & Media, I’m eager to return to a backstage setting and to supervise campers in multi-camera live productions.

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Name: Jeremiah Rodgers
Pronouns: he/him
Location: State College, PA
Department: Music and Administration
Position: Brass Counselor and Events Coordinator 

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
Due to limited close-quarter playing opportunities this past year much of my collaboration with other artists and musicians have been pre-recorded at home and presented virtually. I purchased various pieces of audio equipment for the purpose of recording and familiarized myself with different DAWs. I haven’t created any projects of my own, but I’ve been part of other recording projects for online release which included a few brass ensembles, a trombone quartet, a piece with former teachers and colleagues of mine with the DC Youth Orchestra, and a few others.

What are you most excited about as a first-year staff member?
I am most excited to explore the camp sight. I love nature and I love traveling so any opportunity I have to learn about an area I’m visiting for the very first time is one that I appreciate.

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Name: Jana Flynn
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Department: Visual Arts
Position: Visiting Artist Ceramics Instructor 

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What artistic projects have you been working on this year?
Oh jeez, was this a tough year to continue making art but I launched a new ceramic line where the proceeds are donated to supporting non-profits and activist groups advocating for BLM, human rights, and protecting our planet.

What are you most excited about as a first-year staff member?
So many things!! Getting my hands dirty as much as possible, looking for shooting stars and fireflies, checking out the weaving studio, but most importantly collaborating with all the brilliant minds coming together at Ballibay

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The entire Ballibay staff is so looking forward to collaborating with and caring for your children this summer! Please feel free to take a look at our Staff Directory to get to know a bit about our counselors and visiting artists in 2021.

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Right here. Right now.


The song inside